You belong in science

On my first day as a faculty member, I walked into my office and wrote the words, “you belong” on the white board above my desk. It remains there, years later, and serves as a reminder to anyone who sees it that you have a place in science.

In the Lybrand Lab, I am committed to fostering an environment where each member feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and talents. We believe that different experiences, backgrounds, and viewpoints enriches our collective understanding and fuels innovation.

Our lab culture is built on principles of mutual respect, open communication, and collaboration. We prioritize creating a space where everyone feels safe to express themselves, ask questions, and pursue their passions without fear of judgment or discrimination. Together, we celebrate our differences, embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, and work collaboratively towards our shared goals. Everyone has a place and a voice, and together, we are building a brighter future for science and society.